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No matter who you are or where you come from, you are invited by the people of St. Bart's to break bread with us.  There are a variety of rituals that we observe, called "sacraments," that are part of each service. We make resources available to help newcomers follow along. There are also special sacraments that can be requested as needed. 


At all of our services, the Eucharist is the center of our liturgy -- a liturgy which brings ancient ritual together with modern life. Learn more about the role of the Holy Eucharist in The Episcopal Church by watching this video.


The following are the additional sacraments that are offered at St Bartholomew's. These sacraments mark special occasions, and may require coordinating with church staff in advance.


Please contact the rector or the main office for further information or questions.


Baptism is the full initiation into the Body of Christ, the Church. And it is open to any and all persons who are seeking the reconciling love of God. In the Episcopal Church, we baptize both adults and children, as both are sign of God’s love and grace. Please contact the office and schedule a meeting with the clergy to discuss baptism.


Confirmation is the adult acknowledgment and acceptance of promises made on your behalf at baptism (if baptized as a child). Confirmation is also the sacrament of welcoming new members into the full communion of God’s Holy Church. So if you were baptized as a child, or in a denomination that did not have an adult process, Confirmation may be for you. It is required to serve on the councils of the Parish and Diocese and is a means to join the Episcopal Church as an adult. Please contact the office and schedule a meeting with the clergy to discuss confirmation.


Reception is the acknowledgment of a previous adult affirmation of one’s baptismal promises. And reception is the means to joining the church as an adult if you have already been confirmed or made a similar adult affirmation of your faith. Both Confirmation and Reception are done by a Bishop, as they mark your membership not only in the parish, but in the diocese and larger Communion. Please contact the office and schedule a meeting with the clergy to discuss reception into the Episcopal Church.


Marriage is the blessing by God and God’s Church of two people who are committing themselves to love and fidelity for the rest of their lives. Marriage is open to any two persons, one must be baptized, who are willing to walk through a process of premarital conversations with the clergy or professional counselor, and who can make and keep their solemn vows. The Episcopal Church honors the dignity of all people and is available for all marriages legal in North Carolina. Please contact the office and schedule a meeting with the clergy to discuss marriage.


Christian Burial is the last rite given the body of a faithful person to make the end of the this life and the transition into the resurrected life to which God has called us all. Episcopal funerals typically include the celebration of Holy Communion and include the burial of the body or cremains. St Bartholomew’s is blessed to have our own church graveyard surrounding the parish building. There are plots available for both full body and cremains interment. Please contact the office and schedule a meeting with the clergy to discuss funerals and burials.


Those that have been admitted to hospitals, or are homebound with injury or illness, may request the rector to visit them and pray for healing with them. This can include being anointed with Holy Oil and receiving a special blessing. Please contact the office to ask for more information about receiving a pastoral visit on behalf of yourself or a loved one.




204 W. Salisbury St.

Pittsboro, NC 27312

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